Online Offerings
Compassion Cultivation Training
An 8-week training to bring more compassion into your life.
The Learn to Love Podcast
A weekly podcast to bring more love into your life.
Relationship Mastery Course
A self-guided course to take your relationship to the next level.

Latest Podcast Episodes
Ep 151: Rolemates to Soulmates with Dr. Warren Farrell
Divorces usually happen as a result of poor communication, and poor communication's single biggest manifestation is a couples' inability to handle...
Ep 150: Secure Love and Attachment Theory with Julie Menanno
Looking at relationships through the lens of attachment theory is the closest science has come to understanding how relationships work on their most...
Ep 149: Radical Self-Care with Shelly Tygielski
For me, self-care is communal care. It means reaching out to others for support and supporting others. A mantra that steers my life is "tend to the...
Ep 148: Divine Ecstatic Mystical Love with Andrew Harvey
I am hopelessly in love with life. With the force the burns in every atom and quark and neutrino. That great force of endless expansion, endless...
Ep 147: Reconciling the Desire and the Domestic With Sharon Costanzo
One thing that is important to recognize from the outset is that there is an inherent unfairness in relationships. I divide it into two types, the...
Ep 146: Living Apart Together with Vicki Larson
We shouldn't turn a romantic decision into an economic one. We should move in with someone if we love them and want to live with them, not because...