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Ep 151: Rolemates to Soulmates with Dr. Warren Farrell

Ep 151: Rolemates to Soulmates with Dr. Warren Farrell

Divorces usually happen as a result of poor communication, and poor communication's single biggest manifestation is a couples' inability to handle personal criticism without becoming defensive. We're wired this way, because being defensive was good for survival. But...

Ep 150: Secure Love and Attachment Theory with Julie Menanno 

Ep 150: Secure Love and Attachment Theory with Julie Menanno 

Looking at relationships through the lens of attachment theory is the closest science has come to understanding how relationships work on their most fundamental level. -  Julie Menanno  What does attachment theory say about how parents should raise their children?...

Ep 149: Radical Self-Care with Shelly Tygielski

Ep 149: Radical Self-Care with Shelly Tygielski

For me, self-care is communal care. It means reaching out to others for support and supporting others. A mantra that steers my life is "tend to the area of the garden you can reach." If we only did that, if we only made sure that the people within our garden, within...

Ep 148: Divine Ecstatic Mystical Love with Andrew Harvey

Ep 148: Divine Ecstatic Mystical Love with Andrew Harvey

I am hopelessly in love with life. With the force the burns in every atom and quark and neutrino. That great force of endless expansion, endless evolution. That's what bring me alive. -  Andrew Harvey How can we fall madly in love with all of life? What can spiritual...

Ep 147: Reconciling the Desire and the Domestic With Sharon Costanzo

Ep 147: Reconciling the Desire and the Domestic With Sharon Costanzo

One thing that is important to recognize from the outset is that there is an inherent unfairness in relationships. I divide it into two types, the first is that we are imperfect human beings and there will be differences that cause friction in the relationship. And...

Ep 146: Living Apart Together with Vicki Larson

Ep 146: Living Apart Together with Vicki Larson

We shouldn't turn a romantic decision into an economic one. We should move in with someone if we love them and want to live with them, not because it saves us money. -  Vicki Larson What are some different ways couples can Live Apart Together? What are some myths...

Ep 145: Living a Vibrant Life after Sexual Trauma with Charna Cassell

Ep 145: Living a Vibrant Life after Sexual Trauma with Charna Cassell

It's really important to have patience. Everyone has a different starting place. The first step is to accept what has happened and where we are starting from. Then we must understand that healing is a cyclical process. You can feel super healed, but then notice the...

Ep 144: Betrayal and Forgiveness with Bruce Chalmer

Ep 144: Betrayal and Forgiveness with Bruce Chalmer

Unfortunately, betrayal is going to happen in every relationship. No matter how many rules you come up with, you can't come up with a perfect set of rules that will work for every situation that will come up. Life is unpredictable, including our own reactions to what...

Ep 143: Loving Without Losing Your Mind with Todd Baratz

We would be better served to think of finding a patner who is a team player, someone we can share a life with. Not someone who is going to solve our existential problems of what it means to be alive, not someone who is going to bring perfection and bliss into our...

Ep 141: Make your relationship STRONG with Kristal DeSantis

Ep 141: Make your relationship STRONG with Kristal DeSantis

Studies have shown that the quality of your relatioships determines the quality of your life. So being able ot be strong as a human being includes being able to be strong in your relationships. -  Kristal DeSantis What are the foundations for a STRONG relationship?...

Ep 138: Becoming Better Men with Eric FitzMedrud, PhD

Ep 138: Becoming Better Men with Eric FitzMedrud, PhD

We can create a value shift in our society where it's more important to us that you are a good human being, than you create good art. It's more important that you are a good parent to your kids, than a successful person in your career. And men that feel they are under...

Ep 137: Overcoming Anxious Attachment with Leslie Becker-Phelps, PhD

Ep 137: Overcoming Anxious Attachment with Leslie Becker-Phelps, PhD

People who have insecure attachment styles are more vulnerable to feeling disrupted in their lives, they on average are more prone to distress, negavity, anxiety, and depression. So what happens when people have more insecure attachment styles is that they are more...

Ep 136: All About Limerence with Thais Gibson, PhD

Ep 136: All About Limerence with Thais Gibson, PhD

Limerence is basically this state of mind where someone is obsessively infatuated with another person, and constantly thinks about them to the point where it affects their daily life in a negative way. The biggest difference between limerence and infatuation is the...

Ep 135: Speaking From the Heart with Dr. Heather Browne, PsyD, LMFT

Ep 135: Speaking From the Heart with Dr. Heather Browne, PsyD, LMFT

When people say they are ‘looking for their other half,’ it sounds nice, but as a therapist, I think 'Oh no!’ Because going into a relationship expecting the other person to complete you is not a good intention.  Realize you already are complete, you are responsible...

Ep 133: Security After Separation with Aurisha Smolarski, LMFT

Ep 133: Security After Separation with Aurisha Smolarski, LMFT

One of the key things that I always tell my co-parents is: being with is enough. Even if you have nothing to say or when you're kid is having a fit. Just be with them, calmly and quietly. Then your child will realize that their parent can handle them. They have a...

Ep 132: Love Hacks with Kelli Miller

Ep 132: Love Hacks with Kelli Miller

Positive behavior begets positive behavior. So if your partner is seeing that you are being accountable and being kinder, by default, they start doing that too. If we're kind to our partner, they'll be kind to us. If we are stonewalling them, they'll get angry. What...

Ep 131: Recovering from Gaslighting with Dr. Amelia Kelley

Ep 131: Recovering from Gaslighting with Dr. Amelia Kelley

What is gaslighting, and why has it become such a popular term? What should you do if you realize you are being gaslit? What’s the path to recovery? Find out the answers to these questions and more in this week's episode of The Learn to Love Podcast, where your host...

Ep 130: How to Have Healthy Conflict with Lisa Gray

Ep 130: How to Have Healthy Conflict with Lisa Gray

Culturally, we have this idea that if we fall in love with someone and we really love them, that will be enough and love will carry us through. That's a great fantasy, but it's not the reality. Loving someone comes naturally, but having a good relationship is a skill....

Ep 129: Daring to Feel with Alexandra Roxo

Ep 129: Daring to Feel with Alexandra Roxo

Entering into the path of love is essentially investigating all places in your being that are not love. That means looking at all those fearful thoughts, doubts, insecurities, hidden traumas, and wounds. This path of the heart is one of entering in; it involves...

Ep 128: The Energy of Love with Sherianna Boyle

Ep 128: The Energy of Love with Sherianna Boyle

Love is a university energy that unites us all, it is the spirit of acceptance, the wisdom of letting go, the art of receiving understanding, and the beholder of grace. Getting in touch with this universal love will set you free from both your deepest fears and your...