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Ep 51: Falling in love with parenting together with Lara Elfstrand
Falling in love with parenting means showing kindness to our partner. It means taking an attitude of curiosity so we can listen to each other's dreams instead of shutting them down when theirs conflict with ours. It means giving them the benefit of the doubt and...
Ep 50: Loving Marriage and Family, Special 50th Episode Anniversary with Michele and Charles Beach
We took our commitment very seriously early on. And what happens when you make a commitment is, you are freed up from worrying that the other person is going to leave. This means you can make a mistake and it won't ruin the relationship. This gives you a safe place to...
Guest Post
Submit an article We are always looking for new contributors to bring fresh ideas, research, and thought leadership that will help our readers plan, build, and grow their websites according to inbound methodologies and web design and development best practices.mais...
Ep 49: Secret Keys to Good Communication with Alicia Muñoz
Ninety-percent of the couples I work with say that their goal for therapy is not to fight, not to feel angry, not to feel stressed, depressed, anxious or hopeless. But once you identify your positive goals, rather than the negative ones, you are ahead of the curve....
TRANSCRIPT for Ep 49: Secret Keys to Good Communication with Alicia Muñoz
What does it mean to cultivate beginner's mind with our partner? How do we balance being true to ourselves with flexibility and being open to our partner's influence? What are some secret keys we can bring to our conversations? Find out in this week's episode of The...
Ep 48: Deconstructing Negative Ideologies with Kat Harris
We can't truly experience true transformation without giving our hearts and our bodies the space to express what it is actually feeling. And then from that place we get to decide, how do I want to move forward?So the first part is acknowledging that desire, and the...
TRANSCRIPT for Ep 48: Deconstructing Negative Ideologies with Kat Harris
How can we become aware of belief systems that aren't serving us? How do we construct more positive ideologies? What would a new understanding of what the Bible and Christianity say about sex and relationships look like? Find out in this week's episode of The Learn to...
Ep 47: The Three Keys to Passion with Dr. Cheryl Fraser
Invest in your life. Make passion a priority. Great love, great sex, great passion, is not an accident. Extraordinary couples are made, not discovered. And like anything else in life we have to learn the skills and techniques and roll up our metaphorical sleeves and...
TRANSCRIPT for Ep 47: The Three Keys to Passion with Dr. Cheryl Fraser
What Buddhist wisdom can we apply to our relationships? What are the three keys to passion? How do we restore the feelings of being in love? Find out in this week's episode of The Learn to Love Podcast, where your host Zach Beach interviews psychologist, sex...
TRANSCRIPT for Ep 46: Ending Argument Addiction with Dr. Phil Lee
What tools should every relationship have in their toolbox? Why do couples keep getting into the same arguments again and again? What can couples do to break out of criticism? Find out in this week's episode of The Learn to Love Podcast, where your host Zach Beach...
Ep 46: Ending Argument Addiction with Dr. Phil Lee
There's plenty of things to argue about, but raising the volume and frequency of the arguments NEVER gets you the appreciation and respect that you are looking for.And unfortunately the more time you spend trying to tell the person that they're no good, the more that...
Ep 45: The Three Pillars of True Companionship with Kelly M. Flanagan, Ph.D.
If we can embrace that our loneliness is just the shadow side of our uniqueness and our deepest self, then all of a sudden, we have an opportunity to befriend it, to move towards it, to get to know ourselves better, and to enjoy who we are even more deeply. Now I...
TRANSCRIPT for Ep 45: The Three Pillars of True Companionship with Kelly M. Flanagan, Ph.D.
How can we embrace our worthiness? What are the three pillars to true companionship? How can loneliness be a good thing? Find out in this week's episode of The Learn to Love Podcast, where your host Zach Beach interviews clinical psychologist, author, consultant, and...
Ep 44: Raising Confident Kids with Jennifer Miller, M.Ed.
Confidence encompasses so many hopes and dreams we have as parents for our children. We don't hope for an average life or an average existence, we want our children to love who they are and love who they are becoming in the world. And we want to feel like we can do...
TRANSCRIPT for Ep 44: Raising Confident Kids with Jennifer Miller, M.Ed.
How can we best instill confidence in our children? How can stressed out parents take care of themselves? What's the connection between our emotions and our confidence? Find out in this week's episode of The Learn to Love Podcast, where your host Zach Beach interviews...
Ep 43: Love in the Time of Corona with Dr. Diana Wiley
Even when our choices seems so reduced, we're still lucky to have so many to make. Choices that can impact our world over and over, every day. And it's possible to emerge on the other side of this thing with a deeper appreciation of everyone and everything around...
Ep 42: Transitioning to Parenthood with Anna Aslanian
No matter how we look at this issue, the kind of relationship the parents have affects the child. If the couple is focused on being a we, and not an I, if they are being teammates and supporting each other, that is not only beneficial for them, but it is beneficial...
Ep 41: Becoming a Relationship Master with LaShelle Lowe-Chardé
One of the biggest things we can do is really understand what empathy is, and understand it as a practical, applicable skill, rather some a fuzzy or warm thing only for mushy people. And when people finding that they can systematically learn to offer empathy, it...
Ep 40: Love Yourself, Don’t Punish Yourself with Dr. Liz Powell
For most of us, the majority of our lives, and the way our culture is structured as a whole, is about maintaining these cis-hetero-patriarchal-ableist standards about who is valid and who is worthy. And to get to the top of that rung you have to be as close to a...
Ep 39: Compassion Through Life and Loss with Mary Doane
We are all diminished by a society that denies life and death. It's like a missing puzzle piece and we are not whole without it. Dying is not failing, death is one-hundred percent normal. It's one of the most natural things that we do. But because of fear, and because...
Ep 38: Mindful Dating with Marie Thouin
"Dating from a place of curiosity is a lot more fun than dating to check to see if somebody fits a mold or not, which often times leads to a lot of disappointment. So to really date from a place of openness, and really wanting to get to know people, is a way to keep...
Ep 37: Codependency and Enmeshment with Thais Gibson, MA
"The main feature of codependency is that we learn to give up our sense of selves in order to have a relationship with others. And that's where it becomes unhealthy. If we don't know who we are, and we are not connected to ourselves, we don't know what our needs are...
Ep 36: Casual Sex and Community with Allison Moon
"We tend to go into relationships protecting ourselves and holding back things, and that's just as true for a one night stand as it is for a marriage. And that's where a lot of the drama comes from. We withhold things, we don't say what's on our mind, we don't talk...
Ep 35: Creating an Action Plan for Love with Joli Hamilton, PhD
"For years people when people told me to trust myself and trust in love, all it did was lead me to believe that I was unsalvageable. Because I'm high maintenance, high energy, type A, I over plan and I am hard on myself. I found that telling people who aren't...
Ep 34: Keeping Your Sex Life Alive with Marla Renee Stewart, MA
"The secret to good foreplay is understanding your partner in a very full capacity. Understanding not only who they are and how they communicate, but also, how do they want to feel during sex? We want to lead people toward feeling safe, secure, feeling good, and...