by Zach Beach | May 14, 2023 | Communication, Emotional Intelligence, Podcast Episodes, Posts for Everyone, Self-Love, Skills for Love
For decades I tried to get love. It took me a long time to realize I have to live for love of myself. First and foremost, before I can really make a contribution to anyone else in a meaningful way. Otherwise I live this life trying to get, which isn’t fun....
by Zach Beach | Jun 5, 2022 | Compassion, Nonmonogamy, Podcast Episodes, Posts for Everyone, Skills for Love
The main thing that blocks two people from having amazing love is their unresolved trauma’s. Because those unresolved traumas get projected into the relationships in different ways. If we can heal our unresolved trauma, then from that and from that place we can...
by Zach Beach | May 22, 2022 | Female Empowerment, Podcast Episodes, Posts for Everyone, Skills for Love, Trauma
Our pleasure potential isn’t determined by how much pleasure we inundate ourselves with. It’s determined by how much displeasure we allow in our lives. So if I’m running around having all the orgasms, and all the Epsom salt baths every night, that...
by Zach Beach | May 1, 2022 | Communication, Marriage, Podcast Episodes, Posts for Everyone, Sex, Skills for Love
Having a great relationship is a practice. It’s like building a muscle, if you want to have a strong back you don’t just go to the gym one day a week, you do it every day. And you do it because it helps you and you feel good afterwards. The same thing with...
by Zach Beach | Apr 24, 2022 | Communication, Conscious Relationships, Marriage, Podcast Episodes, Posts for Everyone, Skills for Love
Love is the most important thing. Unfortunately, no matter how grown up you are, you are still a little baby when it comes to love. What that means is we all need to be emotionally bonded, from the cradle to the grave. Our first need is not food and shelter, it is...
by Zach Beach | Apr 17, 2022 | Friendships, Podcast Episodes, Posts for Everyone, Skills for Love
One of the key components to love that is so important is a desire to understand. In addition to that, love is created and made mutual is when that shared understanding is actually reached. That also means leaning into curiosity without any judgement. And it all...