We would be better served to think of finding a patner who is a team player, someone we can share a life with. Not someone who is going to solve our existential problems of what it means to be alive, not someone who is going to bring perfection and bliss into our lives on an ongoing basis.

No matter who we pick, we’re going to experience challenge, we’ll be disappointed and frustrated. It doesn’t matter who you pick, we will all choose someone who resembles some kind of our unfinished business from childhood.

–  Todd Baratz

What does a lot of common relationship advice get wrong? Why do people sometimes feel like they’re losing their minds in their relationship? What does it mean to become, rather than find, ourselves?

Find out the answers to these questions and more in this week’s episode of The Learn to Love Podcast, where your host Zach Beach interviews the therapist, writer, and author Todd Baratz on Loving Without Losing Your Mind.

Ep 143: Loving Without Losing Your Mind with Todd Baratz

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About Todd Baratz

Todd Baratz is a renowned psychotherapist and sex therapist whose innovative approach to mental health and relationships has established him as a leading figure in his field. 

In addition to his clinical practice, Baratz is a prolific writer and speaker. His insights are regularly featured in various media outlets, where he discusses topics ranging from romantic relationships to individual mental wellness. He lives in New York City and Los Angeles. 
Learn more on Instagram under his handle YourDiagnonsense.

He came onto the show to talk about How to Love Someone Without Losing Your Mind.

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