It’s really important to have patience. Everyone has a different starting place. The first step is to accept what has happened and where we are starting from.

Then we must understand that healing is a cyclical process. You can feel super healed, but then notice the same old stuff arises. Fortunately, now you have tools to better approach it.

So we can have micro-practices and celebrate our micro-successes.

–  Charna Cassell, MFT

Why is trauma so pernicious? What is the window of tolerance? How does a somatic approach to healing differ from talk therapy?

Find out the answers to these questions and more in this week’s episode of The Learn to Love Podcast, where your host Zach Beach interviews the Psychotherapist and Sexuality Coach Charna Cassell on Living a Vibrant Life after Sexual Trauma.

Ep 145: Living a Vibrant Life after Sexual Trauma with Charna Cassell

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About Charna Cassell, MFT

Charna Cassell, an LMFT, and a Trauma-Trained Psychotherapist and Sexuality Coach, helps clients heal from trauma and find bodily joy, emotional regulation, vitality, and hope. For over two decades, first, as a sex educator at Good Vibrations located in San Francisco. Then, as a Master Somatic Coach, a bodyworker, and now a licensed psychotherapist.

Outside of private practice, Charna teaches sexuality education classes, leads body wisdom workshops, and offers trauma and resilience training in various institutions, nonprofits, and therapeutic settings. Currently, she is building an online course, Pathways to Peace: Mindful Practices for Transformative and Vibrant Living, and writing a book.

As the host of The LaidOPEN Podcast, Charna shares her own story, answers listeners’ questions, and offers practical exercises. She has conversations with post-trauma thrivers who share creative resources to support reaccessing our connection to aliveness. Together they explore how to live a pleasure-filled, peaceful life while reducing and gaining control over reactive behaviors. In every episode, Charna explores how to build our physical and emotional capacity to be with all that moves through us and around us to ultimately feel more liberated on the other side.

Charna’s work and expertise have been featured in Oprah magazine,,,, and Charna is in private practice in Oakland, California.

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